Article: Why Vanadium is the Better Choice for Commercial Use

Renewable Energy Storage: Why Vanadium is the Better Choice for Commercial Use

VoltStorage specializes in energy storage, making renewable energy available day and night. For commercial enterprises, businesses and agriculture, the technology used - Vanadium Redox Flow - is particularly suitable. It stands out from other storage technologies due to its durability, safety, and environmental friendliness, making it the answer to todays and future energy requirements, especially in the industrial environment.

Renewable energies constitute an increasingly significant portion of today´s global electricity mix. In the first half of 2023 alone, their share of gross electricity consumption in Germany reached 52 percent. According to the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act), this share should be increased to reach at least 80 percent by 2030. As renewable energies continue to expand, the demand for generating and storing energy through wind, solar, or biogas plants is also rising in commercial and industrial settings. Businesses enhance their self-consumption, increase energy autonomy and make the use of renewable energies reliable and plannable. Accordingly, RWTH Aachen University recorded a 47 percent increase in commercial storage systems in Germany between January and November 2023.

Existing storage solutions, such as lithium-based batteries, are relatively inexpensive to acquire and initially have high efficiency, which diminishes over time. The Vanadium Redox Flow technology now offers an approach with significant advantages on the mid- to long-term, especially regarding durability, operational safety, sustainability, and environmental friendliness, making it a better choice in industrial settings.

Vanadium Batteries: Advantages, Especially for Businesses

Energy storage systems using Vanadium Redox Flow technology are exceptionally durable, enabling more than 10,000 charging cycles and, unlike other energy storage systems, retaining a lossless storage capacity throughout their entire lifespan. This makes them one of the most durable storage solutions on the market, ensuring a consistently reliable energy supply. Vanadium batteries also offer high safety, as their storage medium—the electrolyte—is non-flammable. This is a crucial factor, especially in commercial environments with potential risks related to fire hazards, potential contact with larger groups of people or expensive or sensitive production facilities. Furthermore, they are recyclable and environmentally friendly, as they do not rely on rare materials and conflict minerals.

Vanadium or Lithium: Requirements Make the Difference

When it comes to choosing between Vanadium or Lithium, there is no either-or; it depends on the intended use. The fundamental requirements for energy storage and provision vary, leading to different solutions. Use cases range from quick power delivery and high energy density in applications such as smartphones or electric mobility—where lithium solutions are particularly suitable—to maintaining constant power output and ensuring a reliable energy supply in industrial facilities and production environments, which is where Vanadium shines.

The main technological differences between Vanadium-based and Lithium-based energy storage lie in the following areas:

1. Vanadium-based batteries have a lifespan of up to 20 years and can maintain their capacity without loss over this period, while lithium batteries have a limited lifespan as their energy output diminishes over time.

2. While Lithium batteries store energy in cells that can often become hot, Vanadium batteries have a liquid electrolyte flowing from the tank through the cell stack back into it.

3. Consequently, Vanadium storage material is easier to recycle.

4. Lithium batteries generate more waste products during their production, use, and disposal than Vanadium batteries.

5. Vanadium batteries have fewer installation restrictions due to their non-flammability compared to batteries with easily flammable or explosive materials.

6. Vanadium-based storage is generally flexible in performance, as the energy output can be adjusted based on the tank's size.

Fit for the Future Through Reliability and Predictability

A battery storage system employing Vanadium Redox Flow technology emerges as a key component for harnessing renewable energy. It empowers businesses and enterprises to reliably and predictably leverage the environmental and economic benefits of solar, wind, or biogas as energy sources. Furthermore, this technology significantly contributes to climate action. For instance, the development and production of VoltStorage's commercial storage systems in Germany result in fewer CO2 emissions compared to imported solutions, and the Vanadium storage medium itself is significantly less emissions-intensive than other materials. Businesses and companies investing in environmentally friendly, sustainable, and secure energy supply, and want to prepare for a clean and affordable energy future, find an ideal foundation with Vanadium Redox Flow storage systems.

For more information about the Voltstorage Vanadium Redox Flow storage solution for businesses and enterprises, please click here.

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