Technical article: Energy storage and intelligent management systems

The use of solar energy is advancing unabated not only in private households, but also in commercial enterprises and industry. Energy storage technologies and intelligent management systems such as energy and battery management systems are becoming correspondingly important. With them, the gap between energy generation and consumption can be closed and the best possible efficiency, performance and cost optimization of the systems can be achieved.

Energy storage and intelligent management systems: key elements for the use of solar energy in businesses

By Chris Blättermann, Head of IT, VoltStorage

(This abstract is based on the technical article first published in the magazine, isse 05/2023)

The use of solar energy is advancing unabated not only in private households, but also in commercial enterprises and industry. Energy storage technologies and intelligent management systems such as energy and battery management systems are becoming correspondingly important. With them, the gap between energy generation and consumption can be closed and the best possible efficiency, performance and cost optimization of the plants can be achieved.

The growth in the generation and use of renewable energies continues unabated. For example, the German Federal Network Agency predicts an increase of 1.2 GW in solar energy for the month of July 2023 alone, and the annual target of at least 9 GW of installed capacity announced by the German government was already achieved in September. Parallel to this trend, there has also been strong growth in battery storage. In the entire first half of 2023, the addition of new capacity amounted to around 2.4 GWh - the highest in Germany to date. The commercial and industrial sector is also a growth area: current data from RWTH Aachen University show an increase of 90 percent for commercial storage solutions in the same period.

Due to their technological advantages, such as capacity constancy even after many charging and discharging cycles, battery storage systems based on vanadium redox flow technology are particularly suitable for leveraging the potential of solar energy.

The synergy of solar and battery

Battery storage can charge and hold excess energy for use during periods of high solar radiation, when a photovoltaic system generates more energy than is needed. If the system does not generate enough power at a later time, they release the stored energy and can provide a continuous power supply up to and including emergency power. They can also control the timing of grid draw to avoid expensive peak periods. However, all of this requires that a powerful control and management unit be in place.

The digitization of solar energy

The efficient use of solar energy requires intelligent management systems that can ensure the performance and safety of the installations. Both the entire system installed at the consumer's site and battery storage units connected to it can be optimized in terms of efficiency, reliability, performance and cost through the collection, analysis and control of data. The digitalization of energy generated by solar power achieved in this way contributes to the successful integration of renewable energies into the energy system. It also helps companies and businesses reduce their energy consumption and dependence on conventional energy sources. Solar energy and digitalization go hand in hand here and support each other in their dissemination. In this process, the EMS (energy management system) and the BMS (battery management system) take center stage.

Read the full article (in German) here:, issue 05/2023, pages 8-9)

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